Sunday, August 19, 2007

welcome to my blog!
My name is Anne, I'm know to many as Grams. I have five wonderful grandchildren 4 boys and a girl, Austin, Savanah, Dylan, Gabe and Jadon. Which is how I got the nickname "Grams".

I started making tag's using paint shop pro about 5 years ago. I have meet many awesome people in my psp travels and have formed many friendships along the way. My love for creating things with psp brought me to this bend in the road.

I have learned to make digital scrap book page's using the same program. When I first started scrap booking, I was terrible at it, but I wanted to share all the boxes of photo's I had stored with family and friends. Again let me say I was terrible at designing scrap pages. Which caused me to spend countless hours, in search of QP's (quick pages) a ready made page that I could plop my own picture's in. Needless to say they are not that easy to find.

I have since learned to make pages, with all the pretty papers, elements and alpha's, offered by others. I still can not create my own pretty scrap kit's, but I can make page's now.

This has brought me to the decision, that there are most likely a lot of others out in the world, that would love to scrap their family photo's as well, but can't create the kit's. So I decided to start a blog and create a place to offer my QP's.

I hope you enjoy my Quick pages and hope you can use them to create memories of your own family and ventures in life.


princessandromeda said...

Hiya grams amy here nice blog that you have here hun nicely well put I wanna say I just love your quick page scraps they are so wonderful keep up the good work take care god bless hugs amy

Anonymous said...

Hiya Grams, just wanted to tell you that I think you did a great job here. I'll be putting your blog in my favs, as I love your work and will be coming around often. Keep up the fantastic work hun!
Hugs and blessings!

Anonymous said...

Hi Grams

You have done a wonderful job here and I'm sure your quick pages will be a huge hit.

Bren said...
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Bren said...

Hiya Grams!! I love your idea here, it is fantastic and I will be checking here often. You are right that QP's are very hard to find, and I really love to use them. It's so great to see you around again cuz I really missed having ya in my groups!! I love the Bible verse too!! Great job here!!
Hugs, Bren

Heidi Mathews said...

Great page Grams!! was about time :P

Kathy said...

This is great Grams! I love the moon and Stars QP! It's beautiful!

Unknown said...

Grams you are doing such an amazing job and I wanted to say that I am so proud of you for accomplishing what it is that you want to do. Great job, Love ya lots kepp up the good work and I love your QP's