Friday, August 24, 2007

What a shock I had yesterday & a Freebie too.

Yesterday I had a doctors appt, for the final evaluation on a major back injury I had six years ago while I was driving an 18 wheeler. What a shock I had from the AME (agreed medical examiner) thinking he was going to be totally against me. It was all I could do to be positive and not walk into his office with a major attitude.

I prayed long and hard about this visit for weeks, had everyone in my bible study in prayer. This morning I spend hours asking the Lord to guide my mouth and negative attitude.

I got to the office an hour early (I was expecting alot of traffic as it is about a 75 mile commute each way) I went across to the hospital cafe & I went over all my records, kinda a mental preperation for the task before me.

I just told the AME like it was, I live my life in constant pain, I re-trained my self, paying for all my own schooling and went back to work a year ago. I said I have resigned to "what it is, is what it is", & I know I can't change it so why fight it anymore. The doctor insisted on taking x-rays and was shocked at what he seen. I then had an MRI and will wait for the result.

This doctor said within a 2-5 year period I will need a fusion on my lower back a possible my neck. I almost fell on the floor! I know my injury was extensive, but no one has ever said it was that bad. For nearly 6 years I have been pushed through the work comp system and never properly diagnosed. Can you believe that, everyone is so busy fighting for our unjest system, that I fell through the cracks, even though I have complained a million times that I wasn't any better and I was truely in chronic pain.

This doesn't mean that the AME will give me a good report after all he is the defense doctor, only that he agree's the damage is from the work related injury and in time I will need a major surgery or I will possible never stand upright again. (but he covered his own ass that's for sure).

He did agree that I made the right decission, when I realized I would never drive an 18 wheeler again and retrained myself and moved on with my life. Hopefully that will help him to give me a decent medical report and leave my future medical open in case I do need surgery.

Hugs Grams
Ps: sorry this is so long winded

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