Friday, August 24, 2007

Two freebie QP's

Yesterday was a bitter sweet day. I seen my best friend Jenn and her family for the last time in what is sure to be a long time. They are all packed up and ready to move to Sweet Home Alabama. :-(

We have been friends for a long time, since the day we meet it was like we had known each other all our live's. I fell in love with her kid'z from the start.
Tina and I are very close and I'm gonna miss that lil red haired princess. But my biggest sadness is Jenn going so far away. It seems like I won't know what to do with myself come Sunday when they leave. That's the bitter side to the story....

I am very happy for Nick, Jenn and the kid's. This could be their chance of a life time. They live in a rather rough and unsafe neighborhood, and the school Tina was attending was no place for a princess! Nick got a transfer so his job is all lined up and they got a beautiful home with lot's of room for Robert to play and be the zany wild lil boy that he is. All in all I think this will be good for them.

But I'm gonna miss them when they go....

Here is my sweet red haired lil princess... And this QP is your's for the taking. The zip file has two pages (one is w/o the metal tag)

Click on the title to download both pages)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for sharing your wonderful and beautiful hard work!!