Thursday, August 30, 2007

Friends QP

The time is getting near my dear Friend, leave Saturday
I am finding it difficult, to accept that my best friend will be on her way to Alabama in a few short days. Even though we live miles apart and rarely see each other. I am already sad that she won't be 70 miles away but rather states away from me.

I made this scrap page, it is from Mother's day 2007 spent at Jenn's house. I made the QP to share with all of you.

This is most likely to be my last Freebie, until I get back from our trip to Ventura, Calif.

Peace & Love, Grams

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Here's a freebie

Like I promised, I'm really stretched for time this week. So coming out of the attic are old QP to share.

Monday, August 27, 2007

I will be MIA most of the week

I myself have a busy week ahead of me. Come Friday we are going to Ventura for 4 long day's. Melissa is going with us With both boy's... I hope we don't beat each other to badly :-), this will be our first family vacation in years. Oh I prayer for wisdom.

It is the primer national's at seaside park, on the beach at Ventura. It is a younger rock-a-billy crowd. Where primered old chevy's, ford's and harley's are the old car show theme.

Gabe and I really love this show, cuz everybody fits in. Plus Melissa is total Rock-a-billy and it is Jadon's first rock-a-billy show also.

I might be in and out this week, I will try to post at least an old QP or two from the archieve's.

So have a great day and an awesome week.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My pretty daughter and her girlfriends

Melissa is my baby She is on the far left with her two friends. I just had to make a page that I know you all can use. How many picture's do you have with your friends, just waiting to be scrapped?

Now's your chance to use this QP.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

How about a Baby Qp

Spending the evening with Jadon He is our youngest grandson a such a beautiful baby. His eyes are as blue as they are big and he just loves everyone to pieces.

We went out for dinner to celebrate our youngest daughters promotion at work. She just got promoted to head honcho! We had another thing to celebrate, Lil Jadon's Daddy proclaimed he wasn't the father of Jadon when he was about 2 months old. Missy having no doubt's demanded DNA testing. The results came in today he is the daddy at 99.99%. How in the world could anyone ever deny a baby? Men!!!!!

Well I never had a problem with Jadon's dad's foolishness. That just meant I didn't have to share my grandma time lol

Click the subject to download the QP, and leave me some love!

"Fathers do not be so hard on your children, that they will give up trying to do what is right" Colossians 3:21

Family Simplicity

Building Pop's 55 Chevy
My hubby "pop" is always wondering what I do in the computer office, nothing much different then what he does out in his work shop / garage!

I build scrap pages and share them with family and friends, He build's old car's and Harley's, and it seem's his newest project a 1955 Chevy, has turned into a family project. Last week-end Pop and company (our youngest daughter, all five grandkids, son in law and his brother) were all in on the work, as they pulled the body off the chassie of that old 55.

With four grandson's, they are all debating on which one will get what old vehicle. Good thing for Savanah as she is the only girl. She already get's Grams old VW bug. Which only needs a paint job. I think a bug is the perfect first car for my sweet baby girl.

I named this QP family simplicity, you can get it by clicking on the subject. I hope you enjoying adding your photo's to it and sharing with your family and friends.

Please don't forget to drop me a line in my comments.

Hugs Grams

Summer Glitz QP

I stayed up a bit to late last night working on a scrap page, that I really don't like. How many times has this happened to all of us?

So instead today, I will just share a Qp I made awhile back, of my Cousin and his family. Just click on the subject to get the page.

Enjoy your week-end

Friday, August 24, 2007

Two freebie QP's

Yesterday was a bitter sweet day. I seen my best friend Jenn and her family for the last time in what is sure to be a long time. They are all packed up and ready to move to Sweet Home Alabama. :-(

We have been friends for a long time, since the day we meet it was like we had known each other all our live's. I fell in love with her kid'z from the start.
Tina and I are very close and I'm gonna miss that lil red haired princess. But my biggest sadness is Jenn going so far away. It seems like I won't know what to do with myself come Sunday when they leave. That's the bitter side to the story....

I am very happy for Nick, Jenn and the kid's. This could be their chance of a life time. They live in a rather rough and unsafe neighborhood, and the school Tina was attending was no place for a princess! Nick got a transfer so his job is all lined up and they got a beautiful home with lot's of room for Robert to play and be the zany wild lil boy that he is. All in all I think this will be good for them.

But I'm gonna miss them when they go....

Here is my sweet red haired lil princess... And this QP is your's for the taking. The zip file has two pages (one is w/o the metal tag)

Click on the title to download both pages)

What a shock I had yesterday & a Freebie too.

Yesterday I had a doctors appt, for the final evaluation on a major back injury I had six years ago while I was driving an 18 wheeler. What a shock I had from the AME (agreed medical examiner) thinking he was going to be totally against me. It was all I could do to be positive and not walk into his office with a major attitude.

I prayed long and hard about this visit for weeks, had everyone in my bible study in prayer. This morning I spend hours asking the Lord to guide my mouth and negative attitude.

I got to the office an hour early (I was expecting alot of traffic as it is about a 75 mile commute each way) I went across to the hospital cafe & I went over all my records, kinda a mental preperation for the task before me.

I just told the AME like it was, I live my life in constant pain, I re-trained my self, paying for all my own schooling and went back to work a year ago. I said I have resigned to "what it is, is what it is", & I know I can't change it so why fight it anymore. The doctor insisted on taking x-rays and was shocked at what he seen. I then had an MRI and will wait for the result.

This doctor said within a 2-5 year period I will need a fusion on my lower back a possible my neck. I almost fell on the floor! I know my injury was extensive, but no one has ever said it was that bad. For nearly 6 years I have been pushed through the work comp system and never properly diagnosed. Can you believe that, everyone is so busy fighting for our unjest system, that I fell through the cracks, even though I have complained a million times that I wasn't any better and I was truely in chronic pain.

This doesn't mean that the AME will give me a good report after all he is the defense doctor, only that he agree's the damage is from the work related injury and in time I will need a major surgery or I will possible never stand upright again. (but he covered his own ass that's for sure).

He did agree that I made the right decission, when I realized I would never drive an 18 wheeler again and retrained myself and moved on with my life. Hopefully that will help him to give me a decent medical report and leave my future medical open in case I do need surgery.

Hugs Grams
Ps: sorry this is so long winded

I thought that an "All Girl" QP would be fitting for this blog.

Get the QP by clicking on the title.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Summer Pink QP Freebie

Good Morning, Sorry I didn't get to leave you a freebie yesterday, Photo bucket was not being user friendly, and I couldn't get in to post the preview of the freebie.

Today's QP is Summer pink, and one of my favorite pages. The photo in the sample was taken a few week's back at a family gathering. I am the blond with short hair, the other two are my cousins with my auntie. I hope you have fun with this qp.

Have a great Tuesday and as I go this morning. I will leave you with this verse to ponder.

"A glad heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones"
Hebrews 13:5

Please leave a comment, so I know that you stopped by.

Click on the title for the Link to the QP

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Quick page to get started off with.

Thanks for visiting my blog. To get started I wanted to offer the first QP on my new blog.
I made this page in memory of two very special people in my life.

My granny, who passed away in Aug. 2002. Granny was without a doubt the wind beneath my wings, growing up she was a very instrumental part of my life, she truely loved me and I was her lil princess. Granny instilled God in me and prayed everyday that I would find my way back to the Lord.

My cousin Steve, who passed away a few weeks ago of liver cancer at the young age of 50. He left behind a beautiful wife and three awesome daughters and an extended family that loved him more then life. I was blessed to spend a evening of quality time with Steve the week before he died, as we were parting he gave me the biggest bear hug ever and whispered "you have always been my favorite". This I know was true and was said from the bottom of his heart, a week later I got the call that Steve was back in the hospital and wouldn't be coming home this time. I stayed at his side and took care of him, it was the sadest four days of my life. Watching someone you love slowly die and then pass away is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do.

Steve was 100% Catholic and was honestly a missionary for Christ. I thought I knew him so well, but everyday I learn that I didn't really know him at all! But he knew Jesus and that is all that really matters now.

I decided to honor the fact that Steve and Granny would forever be dancing in the stars together, with this photo from Steve and his wife Debbie's blessing of their marriage in the catholic church, taking just months before granny passed away.
Download QP link below
welcome to my blog!
My name is Anne, I'm know to many as Grams. I have five wonderful grandchildren 4 boys and a girl, Austin, Savanah, Dylan, Gabe and Jadon. Which is how I got the nickname "Grams".

I started making tag's using paint shop pro about 5 years ago. I have meet many awesome people in my psp travels and have formed many friendships along the way. My love for creating things with psp brought me to this bend in the road.

I have learned to make digital scrap book page's using the same program. When I first started scrap booking, I was terrible at it, but I wanted to share all the boxes of photo's I had stored with family and friends. Again let me say I was terrible at designing scrap pages. Which caused me to spend countless hours, in search of QP's (quick pages) a ready made page that I could plop my own picture's in. Needless to say they are not that easy to find.

I have since learned to make pages, with all the pretty papers, elements and alpha's, offered by others. I still can not create my own pretty scrap kit's, but I can make page's now.

This has brought me to the decision, that there are most likely a lot of others out in the world, that would love to scrap their family photo's as well, but can't create the kit's. So I decided to start a blog and create a place to offer my QP's.

I hope you enjoy my Quick pages and hope you can use them to create memories of your own family and ventures in life.