Monday, February 25, 2008

Saying good bye to a dear friend

In loving memory of a friend, Charles "Chuck" Schmitt... Feb. 24, 2007

Gone from this earth, Rejoicing in the glory of God and forever living in the hearts of so many.

After 23 days in the hospital fighting a losing battle, you made the choice to come off of life support and let it be Gods will. I am proud of you, it took a very courage's man to make that choice.

The Lord allowed me to visit you on the same day you made this heart wrenching decision. I leaned over and whispered in your ear, Chuck now that you have made your decision, please make sure you are right with God, then I kissed your warm and tired forehead. Wishing I knew what to do to make sure your peace with God had been made and that you had taken him into your heart and accepted Christ as your savior. Not knowing how to do that or what else to say, I sat down and prayed that Jesus would lead you to him.

A few minutes later two men walked into your room to visit, Rich and I went to wait in the lobby and give you three your private time together. After some time passed the two men came out and introduced themselves to us. Greg and his son Greg jr.

Greg made mention of doing Christian missionary work in Africa and Brazil. At that moment I knew he was sent by God to do what I couldn't.

I explained to Greg what your decision was and that once taken off the ventilator, you would die. He looked at me and I placed my hand on his arm, He simple stated "I have to go to Africa" and walked away. I didn't understand what he meant, until I seen him and Greg Jr. heading back down the hallway towards your room. When they emerged Greg shared that you had excepted the Lord into your heart and said a long silent prayer, I now knew you where truly ready to go home.

I sat in your room with my bible in hand, it was a new bible and I couldn't find the index, I flipped through the pages, trying to find Psalms (it is my favorite book and the one I find most comfort in) I happened to open it to Psalms 40:13 "Please Lord, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord and help me." Wow I knew you where ok and I could find peace knowing you would soon be home, wrapped in the loving hands of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for sending me an angel. As I was leaving, I spoke to you openly and assured you that Jesus would keep his promise and you would have total everlasting peace. As tear 's welled in our eyes, and we hugged, holding your face to mine, we said Good Bye!

The next morning, at 10:50am you where taken off the Ventilator, at 12:10pm the Lord took you home peacefully, just as he promised.

May you feel His arms around you and know that His hands are there, helping you turn your feeble attempts into true masterpieces. Remember, God doesn't seem to call the equipped, rather, He equips the 'called.'

To those days and nights at the Alondra club, Here's to you!

To all the old restored Corvette's and rod rot Chevelle's, where's to you!

To squeezing into a suit for our wedding day, here's to you!

To Thanksgiving dinner's with your memory and a silent prayer, Where's to you!

To accepting Christ and having the courage to do what you needed to do, Where's to you!

Forever in my heart my friend.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

God Bless the USA

Just watch it

In memory of 9-11

Apologies are in order

I have deleted all the links on my blog for now.

I never knew that the scrapping world had TOU, and certain requirements that we must follow. I just knew I liked scrapping and thought why not share with other's that can't like myself.

Well I as do all newbie's have a lot to learn in the Digi scrap world. and There are requirements that need to be meet and rules that we all should be following. I want to make sure that I do just that. So all links are deleted until I can get the required permission's, give credit to the deserving designers, and find the links back to their site's.

Now I may not be able to track down all the kit's I used (or piece's of kits) Heck, I may not even remember where I got must of the stuff I have. But you can believe I won't make this mistake again.

I truly apologies to all of you that I have used a kit, ric rac, button, ribbon or template from without recognizing you and giving you credit, not following your tou, or linking back to your site.

I sincerely hope you will understand that it was lack of knowledge and not intentionally meant to hurt anyone, to steal the glory or credit or to hurt any feelings.

Thank you to Amy and Shell for stepping up and notifying me of my wrong doing, without the two of you, this could have gotten a lot worse. I appreciate you pointing this out to me and allowing me to correct the problem and the kindness in which you do it.

If you see your creations on any of my pages, please let me know so I can give you credit. Just post a comment saying that I used your awesome designs and what they are so I can credit that post with your requirements.

To everyone else, I hope you understand why I deleted all the QP's and are in agreement that I was wrong.

Hugs Grams

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Being with you Rocks

I'm SORRY I have to remove this QP. I didn't follow the TOU it is completely my fault and an oversight. I Want to Thank Amy for sharing her awesome templates and a big apology for not following her TOU.

At least making this page brought me joy, This is a photo of my favorite cousin Trin and I . This page took me forever using a template by Amy Fenner and the papers from a great scrap designer at the polkadotplum. It didn't turn out how I envisioned it would. But it has special meaning to me.

So if you visit my blog to see what's new, please feel free to snag it and this time PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Adore, love and cherish my grand kids

My three oldest grand kids

I don't have as many photo's of Aussie, Baby D and Sister as I do of the two younger grand kids. Even though they live in the same town and the same distance away as the younger two. It seems they are always busy with friends and activities with their parents.

These picture's where taking in July on my 20ish birthday ;-) lol. I couldn't adore, love or cherish anyone more then I do these kid's. They are all funny, sweet and adorable in their own unique way.

This QP was made using the template from: LGDesigns
The word art if from: Kristy
The paper and ric rac's are from Metro Retro kit by shell

If you snag the QP please leave a comment, a small jesture for snagging.
Thanks Grams

Friday, September 7, 2007

A new freebie

First let me thank Tracy at for this awesome template. I really didn't have to do much to it.

These are some more photo's from the Rock-A-Billy "prime is not a crime" vintage car show we attended over labor day week-end. This old car show is always a gang of fun, because the crowd and aptmosphere are a younger hip crowd and the cars are all done by the owners in their garage. These usually are not the high end $100,000 dollar car's that the "old Guy's" paid a shop to restore. Although you do see a few of them out there.

We have a 55 chevy wagon that we are doing a garage owner restore on, It won't be a primer national, but then it won't be an Old Guy's shop restore either. But one old guy does own it. Shhhh we just tell Pop that "OLD GUY'S RULES" and our motto is: Take a Kid to a car show

Thanks again Tracy for sharing this template.